
The Principal Advantages of LED Lighting

Posted on the 11th of Aug 2014

LED lighting is becoming increasingly prominent in commercial and residential housing across the UK. Indeed, from illuminating expansive warehouse environments to the kitchens in your home, LEDs are invading a wealth of different spaces. So, what are the reasons for this? What are the principal advantages of LED lighting?

Here is an overview of why LED lighting is proving to be so popular.

LEDs Offer Superior Safety

The most practical reason for installing LED lighting is that it offers superior safety solutions. They produce a stronger, brighter light for a longer period of time – without heat. Thousands of fires are started every year due because lighting is used in insufficient ways.

Non LED lamps generate a lot of heat. When placed in an environment with flammable materials, this may result in catastrophic circumstances. LEDs don’t generate heat, which negates the potential for an accident.

Size and Brightness

LEDs offer increased luminosity. As an added bonus to their enhanced brightness, they are generally more compact. This means that they are more practical than comparable lighting solutions. If you’ve a smaller space to illuminate, LED lighting solutions provide the solutions that you need.

Cost Effectiveness

LEDs are more cost effective than comparable lighting products. Some LED lighting is priced at a premium, however it’s estimated that they use 80% less power than comparable lighting solutions. This will save you money in the long run. LEDs offer a sound return on any investment. This saving can be further enhanced by employing solar powered LED lighting.

There are numerous benefits to employing LED lighting, if you haven’t already considered using LED lighting then why not learn more – the benefits are hard to ignore.

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